The World Court ruled today that Israel’s unilateral construction of a wall separating Israel and Palestine is illegal, and that the wall should be dismantled.
Of course, this means nothing. Why? Let’s look at some choice quotes from the usual suspects:
“The only decision that matters for the government is the verdict of the [Israeli] supreme court”.
Israeli Justice Minister Tommy Lapid“This is going to go to the UN General Assembly. They can decide anything there. They can say that the earth is flat. It won’t make it legal, it won’t make it true and it won’t make it just.”
Israeli Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu“We do not believe that that’s the appropriate forum to resolve what is a political issue. This is an issue that should be resolved through the process that has been put in place, specifically the road map.”
US President George Bush’s spokesman“We have underlined that the wall not only results in confiscation of Palestinian land and causes untold humanitarian and economic hardship, but also could prejudge future negotiations and hinder a just political solution to the conflict.”
EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana
Once again, the United States stands firm in its irrational stance of pandering to the Israelis while ignoring the humanitarian crises that the rest of the world sees, including the EU.
Israel’s strength is the United States, without which it is nothing. As long as Bush (and American politicians in general) continue their Judeo-Christian crusade, Palestinians will continue to suffer. Years later, when people reflect on our times, I have no doubt that the unqualified American backing of Israel will be considered as one of the largest injustices of our time. This unqualified backing has caused far more damage and suffering to an entire population far more severe than Americans can even begin to contemplate. The 9/11 attacks don’t even come close (though many behave as if they were the most tragic events known to humankind).
As for a peaceful resolution, I think the road ahead is difficult. I don’t have a magic solution. But going ahead, what would I like to see? I’d like to see a peace which is respectful of the Israelis and Palestinians both, equally, with shared control of Jerusalem. A peace where neither side needs to live in fear of persecution by the other. A peace that is wanted, appreciated and respected by both sides. I don’t know how to get there, but I hope we do.
The reason I’m upset about the situation now is that Bush, the one man who really has the ability to influence and to set the tone with both sides has shirked his responsibility to do so. Instead of pushing for a peace of the type I described, he has wholeheartedly backed the efforts of Ariel Sharon to create a “peace” where the Israelis are “safe” from the Palestinians, but doesn’t address any grievances that the Palestinians have. This kind of “peace” is meaningless, and certainly not viable.
great post. i agree that israel should not be allowed to do what ever it wants even when the world as a whole says its wrong. we liberated iraq right? but we allow israel to keep performing inhuman and irrational deeds.
You people are hillarious…if you think that what Israel is doing is inhumane then Im sure youll agree that what groups like Hamas and Al-Aqsa do are also in that category. The security wall is being built because of Palestinian terrorism (and the key word is terrorism not freedom fighters as some people would say). Israel is not innocent but she does what is neccessary to protect her citizens like any other DEMOCRATIC country would. And in response to the other post there is a BIG difference between Iraq and Israel. Iraq was ruled by a dictator who openly torchered all who opposed him. Israel brought Arafat back to the West Bank and Gaza and gave him power and he chose to use it to destroy Israel rather then help his people. The Palestinians are not Israel’s problem they are the Arab world’s problem and thats why they are in the situation they are in now.
First off, I don’t think there is anything hilarious about the situation. Secondly, yes, I do consider organisations such as Hamas and Al-Aqsa inhumane, and conduct terrorist operations that cannot be justified by Islam (or by any other mainstream religion). There is no question in my mind that what they’re doing is wrong.
Thirdly, I don’t think that democracy is the solution to the world’s problems. It’s a fine form of government, and works well in many places. However, I take issue with the premise that it’s the only form of government thats good, and that it should be forcibly exported anywhere and everywhere.
Fourthly, if the Israelis see it fit to act outside the framework of international law, then it should come as no surprise to them that their adversaries choose to ignore it as well. The construction of this wall is simply proof (as if we needed more) that the Israeli government doesn’t care about international law. Governments that flaunt international law ought to be held accountable to the world community. If Israel thinks the United Nations is worthless, which it claims, then it should cease seeking resolutions condemning actions by the Palestinians. Either its a legitimate body, or its not. It can’t be legitimate when condemning Arafat but illegitimate when ruling against Israel. Either its neither or its both. The Israelis can’t have it both ways.
Fifthly, since you raised the issue of Iraq (which in my mind is a distinct issue), I don’t see a big difference between Saddam Hussein and Ariel Sharon. Both of them act outside the framework of international law. Both of them are not averse to ruthless murders of those that oppose them. Both of them sought to marginalise communities of which they were not a part. What’s the difference between them? Bush is Sharon’s pal, and Saddam tried to kill Bush’s daddy.
Sixthly, I want to make a distinction between Ariel Sharon and Israel. The Israelis as a people are certainly not scum, and I believe they have the right to a state of their own. I don’t think most of them are hostile to Palestinians, and I don’t think that most Palestinians are hostile to Israelis. I think more than anything they want to get along. It’s the leadership structures that are problematic, and those few people from each side who give everybody a bad name. Ariel Sharon is one of those people. I think he’s scum.
Two points:
Bush isn’t just Sharon’s “pal”. This is an integral part of his religious beliefs, as are the neo conservatives who share the White House with him.
You should also make a distinction between Zionist Israelis and Jewish Israelis; people like the Hasidic Settlers are the tools in the occupation – the IDF merely back them up. Yes, there are some innocent settlers but this is a small percentage.
Still, good post. Nice blog, too.
“Fifthly, since you raised the issue of Iraq (which in my mind is a distinct issue), I don’t see a big difference between Saddam Hussein and Ariel Sharon. Both of them act outside the framework of international law. Both of them are not averse to ruthless murders of those that oppose them.”
That is not true AT ALL. If Arik Sharon was “not averse to ruthless murders of those that oppose [him]” then we would not see people like Shimon Peres and Mitzna (left-wing Israeli politicians), who are opposed to Sharon and the right-wing Likud party. If Sharon was “not averse to ruthless murders of those that oppose [him]” then he would have had Ariel Eldad, a MK from the extreme right-wing party National Union who opposes his plan of leaving the Gaza Strip, taken out.
Well guess what??? He hasn’t!
If Saddam Hussein was Prime Minister of Israel, all of those people would no longer be living.
Well guess what??? Those people are still alive and kicking, fighting Sharon and Likud within the government.
Why is that? Because Israel is Democratic, just like the United States, the UK, France, Germany, and the other civilized countries.
If you don’t think that democracy is the solution to the world’s problems, then what is? Ruthless dictators?
Jason Lustig