As an experiment, I’ve set up a website called Planet Bohra. This website contains all the Dawoodi Bohra owned blogs that I’m aware of, and aggregates them into a single page that shows them in reverse-chronological order, newest first.
My intent in doing so is to create a site that lets the reader get a feel for the “Bohra pulse”. Our community is so diverse and community members have such varied talents and interests that it’s often both interesting and inspiring to read about others’ thoughts, experiences and views about their areas of interest or expertise.
At the moment the site is new and I don’t have a large number of blogs listed. I therefore ask you to comment with your full name and blog URL if you’d like your blog to be added to the Planet Bohra website and aggregated there.
I hope that it can be a useful resource and invite any comments or suggestions. On my friend’s blog, some comments regarding the setup have already been made, and I do agree with the general sentiment that it’s too disorganised. I’ve not figured out a way to solve this, but at the same time I think that part of the beauty of the site is to breathe in the diversity of thought.
I would like to subscribe in your planet Bohra please add and inform me
Just want to mention that I can’t subscribe you to the Planet Bohra site unless you have a blog with an RSS feed. The site you listed is a company website without an RSS feed. Actually what I was really going for was personal blogs.
to be honest, I think the experiment would work better if it were to exclude the religious aspects and focus only on the voices of Bohra bloggers. My suggestion would be to remove the Akhbar and Bilad feeds and keep it focused solely on individuals.
It should be noted that the religious and news-y content can already be seen in one place – just follow the twitter feed for, that feed, and the “individuals” feed, might be physically separated on PB. then, you’d have a clear division of context.
I think I’ve come up with a compromise to this problem. Rather than following the RSS feed and having so many photos making up over 400 elements to the page, I’m following the twitter feed instead, which still gives the headlines, but doesn’t show all the content.
Though I’m not sure if this is the best solution or not. Maybe people are interested in seeing both religious and personal content in one place. Easier to get all the information in one place. But I like the idea of following the Twitter feed rather than the main RSS as it makes the Planet Bohra page a lot lighter to download.
I’ll try out the current setup for a while and see what the feedback is. Can always change later if necessary.
The problem with the twitter feed for is that when you click on it, you don’t jump directly to the blog post but get dropped to twitter and have to reclick again. Not sure if it makes sense to hack on planet to do something specific to twitter
Yusuf, I noticed that you need to double click from the Twitter feeds, but I don’t think I’m going to be able make a workaround hack for that. Still, it’s better than having almost 500 elements on the front page.
I’ll search around to see if anyone has already written a hack for this.
I wrote a quick yahoo pipe (was learning it as I went along) to munge the twitter feed. I think this should do the trick
Thanks Yusuf, I’ve already made your pipe active.
Its been improved by that change definitely. The feeds don’t over run the page as they used to before.